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blogs: the away message of the future

Tuesday, June 13

is the future behind us?

I just came across this interesting article (or did it come across me?) about an indigenous people in South America called the Aymara. it seems these people buck the widely held convention, once thought universal, of picturing the past as behind oneself and the future in front. they speak and gesture accordingly, pointing or waving over their shoulders to reference the future and referring to 'last year' by saying 'nayra mara', literally 'front year'.

Backs to the Future - PHYSORG.com

I am currently searching for a job, both in front of and behind myself, and have some promising leads (fingers crossed). I'll be sure to let everyone know when I've secured employment.



At June 19, 2006 at 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very fascinating




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