the thing of it is is that
so the newest site in the online community craze seems to be if you're not yet familiar with it, picture friendster running head on into a college yearbook. it has all of the features you've come to love, plus the ability to find people by college, high school, and even the classes they're taking.
after casually using both friendster and facebook, I have come to realize something. there seem to be two types of users in these communities: those who send friend requests and those who only accept them. I myself fall into the latter category, mostly because I really don't see the point in/need to prove to myself that I am, in fact, friends with my friends. I guess I don't really see the point. am I missing something? feel free to comment.
last friday was an interesting evening. I had a lot of fun hanging out with jon, robins, rachel, and patti. at the end of the evening, robins, rachel, and I decided to go to denny's. we got there, it was way too crowded so we continued our journey into the heart of Ypsi. this is where I was introduced to Abe's coney. a fascinating place by itself, made more so by the clientele within at 3:30 am when we visited. good times.
humorous salutation,
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