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blogs: the away message of the future

Thursday, December 9

candle count: 3

yes, that's right, tonight is the third of eight (crazy) nights of chanukah. or hanukkah. or channuka. or even hannukah. (I read an interesting tidbit: any spelling of the name of this particular holliday is correct if it has 8 letters) see rabble x3 for further discussion.

I really enjoy this holiday. who doesn't? gelt is the jewish equivalent of easter bunnies. latkes are amazing, and will stay on your clothes for days. dreidels teach kids to gamble. and we get to start fires. repeatedly!

one thing I don't quite understand: why is the chanukah meal basically just break-fast minus blintzes plus latkes? why is it traditional to eat bagels with latkes? I'm not complaining mind you, I love taking leftover carbohydrates back to school with me (especially when they come in dozens). autumnattic also enjoys leftovers.

oh, I also love singing chanukah songs. loud.

speaking of holidays, I tried Pepsi's Holiday Spice cola the other day. I would describe it as red-tinted Pepsi with a little more flavor and bite. it sort of tasted like it was trying to be Coke. will not purchase ever again, but I love testing these new soda creations when they come out.

here's a really neat phone number I found: it's called Amabuddy and it enables you to check the amazon.com price and rating for any book or cd based on its ISBN or UPC. just put the number in your phone, and the next time you're out shopping you can check the price on the net before buying. it will even recommend similar titles based on amazon's suggestions.



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