What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Wednesday, January 5

you're not listening!

what's with the people who stand on the side of the moving walkway that is clearly marked 'walk'? are they just doing it to piss us off, or are they illiterate?

the other day I thought I had an original idea of a mixture of foods that I found in the cupboard. it turns out that mixing cereal with melted chocolate and butter is actually called puppy chow, and is also made with peanut butter. I made it anyway, then let it cool and added my own special touch: vanilla frosting. pretty good improvement, at least IMHO. it looks funny, but it tastes good. if you're in the mood to mix foods, like I have been recently, try cream cheese and salsa.

so I made an interesting discovery today. I was at a local retailer looking at cell phones for no real reason, and decided to call my own phone (which was in my pocket at the time), again for no real reason. after leaving the store I saw the missed call on my phone and realized that I now had the number to the phone at the store. I decided to call back and act like I didn't know who called me from the phone. I acted surprised when the gentleman explained to me that it was a Verizon demo phone. of course, I did this all while using a fun accent. let me know if you want the number to try it yourself.

I love the internet. I think that if it is possible to be addicted to it, I am. but I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing, I feel pretty confident in my ability to efficiently find and make use of information within it.

said The Beastie Boys:

"Everybody's rapping like it's a commercial
Acting like life is a big commercial"

what is actually a big commercial these days is hollywood. I saw Ocean's 12 and was astounded at the amount of plugging received by Dell with their laptops, monitors, and jukebox MP3 player, and by Ford with Jaguars new and old, and a fleet of scary black Range Rovers. the only reason this annoys me is because I notice it and it is distracting when I am trying to watch a movie. but I guess the point for this type of advertising is for it to be almost subliminal.

it seems school has started again, at least here at umich.edu. happy new year and new semester to all.

keep on truckin'
David F G


At January 9, 2005 at 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome post.



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