What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Monday, May 9

wait, you rode here from Michigan?

I rode the R to Bloomington this weekend all by myself. my first real solo ride. 6 hours each way. two stops. it was funnnn. perfect weather too. I never knew my car could feel so big.

still in search of a job. that needs to happen this week. I could use ideas/assistance/motivation.

I installed Tiger today. it isn't very exciting and I'm kind of disappointed. Safari seems faster though, I enjoy the RSS support, and Mail looks nice and has a very cool slideshow feature when you receive an email with multiple picture attachments. Dashboard is neat but I'm waiting for better widgets. oh well.

I have my first German test tomorrow. what's funny is that it is only the 5th day of class.

gute Nacht,


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