thought for food
a. Iron Chef: I used to love watching the original Japano version, mostly for the wonderful voice replacement and truly nauseating ingredients. I especially enjoyed seeing the giggly-female-star-of-the-week, never with a bad thing to say, and all the while covering her mouth for politeness. priceless.
I do watch the American version, though it just doesn't have the same charm being in English and all. and there's the outside chance Rachael Ray may appear (see note d). but today my nostalgia for the good ol' show was satiated. Iron Chef Morimoto (the only continuing 'cast member') was pitted against... I don't know, some shmuck with no chance, and when it came time for the big M to explain his dishes at judgment: his voice was dubbed over. even though he was speaking in English. I laughed aloud.
and bring back the shiny uniforms.
b. which leads me to another reality-based food program, Top Chef. specifically a contestant I loved to hate, and who was somehow able to make it to the final two. all other Marcel bashing aside, the man has some odd ideas on hair arrangement and placement. ironically, there's a hairstyle by the same name.

he calls himself a molecular gastronomist, which means he uses scientific-sounding shit to ruin his food. I'm sure if done well, and without pretense, this is an actual thing.
in the season finale, one of the judges was none other than Wiley Dufresne (I'd never heard of him either), apparently a well-respected and successful molecular gastronomist.

so... is the ugly facial hair a requirement in this culinary niche? (I really wish I could have found a picture of Marcel when he was sporting the triangu-burns, you'll just have to trust me.)
c. having trouble choosing where to dine? try the Wheel of Food. type in your zip and a keyword and watch it spin. a cute idea, if a bit unreliable. I chose 'indian' to narrow my search and Hooters appeared on the wheel. are they offering tandoori wings I don't yet know about?

d. Rachael Ray sucks. big time. and according to a classmate of mine, she's a total bitch in the real life. big surprise. I now fear the cracker aisle, knowing that her stupid toothface is plastered across every Nabisco product. I skipped my weekly Family Size Redued Fat Wheat Thin purchase in protest.
Great post, man. I could totally relate to some of it, but give Rachel Ray a break, you know? Just kidding, she sucks. Where did she come from? It's like a dam broke and splashed her picture on every product in the supermarket. They are about to unveil the next Lucky Charms Marshmallow: Rachel Ray Face! Just stay the fuck away from my Fruity Pebbles. Alright, porn time. -j
yeah dave.. you're blog is great. i've been too damaged to even post on mine. yours made my laughter audible many times. i'm burning the new panda bear (member of animal collective) LP from work right now. awesome cover art. i think he's gonna put me back on track.
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