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blogs: the away message of the future

Monday, June 13

reading is good, can we start the story now

one of my summer goals (actually the only one I am actually following through on) is to read more. I never really enjoyed reading when I was a kid and haven't read most of the classics, or much of anything really. I think I have read more books in the past year than during the rest of my life combined. sad but true.

so I'd like any suggestions of books you feel I should read. much appreciated.

another summer goal that will most likely come to fruition is the watching of all of those movies I've never seen. maybe now I'll be able to get more jokes from the Simpsons.

speaking of the Simpsons, my talking Homer bottle opener broke recently. I have concluded that it failed due to the fact that I was using it to open twist off bottles...

I might just replace it with this one.



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