Friday, December 17
Wednesday, December 15
I have so much studying to do/I have to write my paper/I am SO going to fail/I can't wait for break
I realized something interesting over dessert at Ram's Horn at 3:30 am the night before thanksgiving. we spent most of high school trying to be the same as everyone else. now we get to college, and most people realize that they have no identity of their own. thus we now spend our time figuring out who we are. without getting all deep and stuff, I think this is an important thing to just contemplate.
it has come to my attention that some college students are embroiled in what are called 'finals'. its funny, because you don't hear much about this from people. it is very rare that I have a conversation with someone that starts and/or ends with them telling me all of the stuff they have to do before they can go home for break. and by rare I mean not rare. isn't it funny how this is all we can think and talk about? I say spend less time talking about what you have to do, and more time actually doing it. or at least doing something fun. who wants to go see a movie?
also, is there a good way to clean 8 nights of wax from a menorah? I tried the old hot water thing, but with less than spectacular results. maybe I should invent the self-cleaning menorah ... ... patent pending, patent pending, patent pending!
Thursday, December 9
candle count: 3
yes, that's right, tonight is the third of eight (crazy) nights of chanukah. or hanukkah. or channuka. or even hannukah. (I read an interesting tidbit: any spelling of the name of this particular holliday is correct if it has 8 letters) see rabble x3 for further discussion.

I really enjoy this holiday. who doesn't? gelt is the jewish equivalent of easter bunnies. latkes are amazing, and will stay on your clothes for days. dreidels teach kids to gamble. and we get to start fires. repeatedly!
one thing I don't quite understand: why is the chanukah meal basically just break-fast minus blintzes plus latkes? why is it traditional to eat bagels with latkes? I'm not complaining mind you, I love taking leftover carbohydrates back to school with me (especially when they come in dozens). autumnattic also enjoys leftovers.
oh, I also love singing chanukah songs. loud.
speaking of holidays, I tried Pepsi's Holiday Spice cola the other day. I would describe it as red-tinted Pepsi with a little more flavor and bite. it sort of tasted like it was trying to be Coke. will not purchase ever again, but I love testing these new soda creations when they come out.
here's a really neat phone number I found: it's called Amabuddy and it enables you to check the price and rating for any book or cd based on its ISBN or UPC. just put the number in your phone, and the next time you're out shopping you can check the price on the net before buying. it will even recommend similar titles based on amazon's suggestions.
Wednesday, December 1
ken's kenwood
today I experienced two events involving parking space robbery. both times made me very upset. the first occurrence was when I tried to park in the lot on north campus and there weren't any open ones. I waited for someone to walk into the lot and followed them. after starting to do this, another person doing the same thing as me started to follow the guy from the other way. since he had his blinker on, he got the space. at least this is what I think he must have thought.
the second took place whilst I was trying to park to buy some bagels. I saw someone pulling out and stopped with my blinker on to take the space. then a woman came around the corner, saw me waiting, and proceded to pull into the space when it was open.
I don't feel like this has ever happened to me, and now twice in one day. I felt wronged.
the old turn table is now up and running. you should come see it. yes you.
also, vote for Jon. lots.
your pal,
the dgster