What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Sunday, February 20


I recently finished a short book called 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves' by Lynne Truss. it gives a brief history of punctuation, with a discussion of its evolution and current accepted usage. it appeals to those the author calls "sticklers": people who get annoyed when an apostrophe is misplaced or a comma omitted. it's funny and a quick read. the title refers to an improperly punctuated description of a Panda. heh.

to tangent off of this, the following question has come to me: if the french use <<this type of quotation mark>>, how do they air quote? do they do so in a side-wise fashion? please let me know if you have any information.

I was sitting at my computer today (imagine that) when I saw a flash of light from outside. it was snowing, so I thought it was kind of strange. moments later, I heard a very long, loud thunder clap. I don't remember the last time I heard thunder/saw lightning during a snow storm.

not Candace Cameron,

Wednesday, February 16

"the boiler went down"

that's the response I received upon phoning the cheery folks over at Prime Student Housing this morning. (I'm not sure why I included that link.) the call was prompted by the fact that there is no hot water to be had anywhere in my building. this frustrates me to no end.

the other day, my English professor made the following statement:
"it's kind of really very sort of strange"
I think that quotation can be explained very well by the quotation itself.

has anyone else noticed that the commercials for Pooh's Heffalump Movie include the song 'Two Princes' by The Spin Doctors? that seems like an odd combo, if you ask me. I remember having that song on a CD that was included with new cars in the mid-90's; I think it came with Grand Cherokees. cars don't come with CDs anymore.

to update the mouse situation, I saw a live baby mouse Sunday night in the living room. this apartment is really going downhill.

mcsweeney's had some hilarious lists today, including this one. read some of the old ones too, they're a hoot.

enough for now,
D 'link happy' G

Monday, February 14

grok this

a list: Beatles song titles with "love" replaced by "email"

Email Me Do
You've Got to Hide Your Email Away
She Loves Email
All My Emailing
Can't Buy Me Email
And I Email Her
All You Need is Email
P.S. I Email You

if you enjoyed that, or even if you didn't, check out mcsweeney's for better lists and other literary fun.

by the way, if I love you, I love you more today. that's what you're supposed to do right? this is the one day a year that you tell people you love them by spending money. - - - - in my world, every day is Valentine's Day; love is hard to turn off.

with LOVE,

Friday, February 11

a morning

he woke up cold, alone. it was late morning. he needn't be up for another half hour. after attempting to gather his thoughts, he arose to check the radiator in the other room. it was off. he reached for the handle to open the valve, but stopped. he noticed something abnormal. something...furry. a mouse. the rear three-quarters of a brown mouse were visible from under the baseboard heater, its legs splayed out behind it, with its neck lodged underneath, out of sight. how did it get there? how would he remove it? he decided to adjust the temperature and deal with this unfortunate visitor later. at least it's not a rat, he thought.

Monday, February 7

I'm not drunk, I'm just happy

I turned 21 last Sunday. we had a party and lots of great people came, I had a great time. (I'm sorry I didn't put the pictures up earlier, but I am still waiting to get the rest from others so I can re-post them, as well as replace the red-eyed pictures with corrected versions.)

I think I need a new career path, I'm thinking of either:
a) comedian
b) automotive journalist
c) impressionist

do any of those make decent money? and, more importantly, what do I do with the mechanical engineering degree that I will most likely have in a year and a half?

I went to Bloomington this weekend. it was my second time there in three weeks. that's not normal. I had lots of fun, it was 60 degrees and beautiful! I drove home most of the way with my windows cracked open. I also found out that my car looks like the Batmobile to many people.

in reference to an earlier post regarding those people who are unable to stand on the correct side of moving walkways: what's with people using the wrong side of a two-sided stairwell? I frequently encounter people trying to go down the 'up' half of the stairs in Mason Hall, or vice-versa, when I'm going to or from my english class. yes, I'm in an english class. anyway, it really irks me to have to push by people who know they are going the wrong way. the only possible explanation is that they all hail from countries that drive on the wrong side of the road, not bloody likely if you ask me.

I have a lot to do this week and as usual lack any motivation. oh well.

sorry for the lame post,