What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Sunday, October 31

our SS

in case anyone cares, my blog has an RSS feed. if you don't know what that means, don't worry about it. seriously.

if you are RSS-savvy, it's: http://feeds.feedburner.com/WhatsTheDifferenceBetweenAStove

catch you on the flip side of daylight savings time,

Sunday, October 24


did you know there is a mathematical model for the spread of gossip?
dP/dt = kP(M-P)
P is the amount of people who know already, M the total population, and k is a constant. or konstant.

I don't know what to be for halloween. any suggestions that don't require much effort are welcome.

the phrase tip - as in I left a 20% tip at the chinese restaurant tonight - stands for 'to insure promptness'. and insure and ensure have the same definition, so it might as well be a tep. which it now is, in my head.

also, where do I get a magnetic car ribbon that says 'support our ribbons'? that would be the epitome of irony there, right jon?

Wednesday, October 20

mellow kitty

so I'm finally relaxed after another patented wait-til-the-last-minute, don't-study-enough, take-an-exam, do-okay.

and on top of that, I got big ups.

in other news, or in this case not-so-news, I was a scavenger hunt clue last week. I don't think many people can say that. actually, it was more of a scavenger task list. the objective at my location was to get a picture of my roommate holding me in his arms. sorority girls are creative.

kool kat

Thursday, October 7


politics aren't a good excuse to hate people.

we get too wrapped up in what it means to subscribe to a set of loose beliefs that our vision is clouded of one another. we make too many snap judgments. people say they hate one candidate or the other and I'm sick of it. it's possible that you disagree with them, but that's no reason to hate everything they stand for or anyone even remotely affiliated with them or their cause. I guess this conflict just comes naturally.

I know this is now a cliche, but, I will be very happy when the election is over. politics, and beliefs in general, bring out the worst in people sometimes.

and yes, I know I am guilty of this type of judgment. let's all try and be NICE! I like you, do you like me?


Tuesday, October 5

abs ridic

I was in my room when the door to the apartment opened. standing there was what appeared to be a middle-aged man and a woman, probably his wife. he said hello, I replied hi. he then closed the door laughing nervously and saying to his companion, this is not it.

in a strange way, this event gave me some hope. I now realize everyone has experiences where they feel awkwardly uncomfortable. at the same time, I think I would have apologized for walking into a stranger's apartment. but hey, whatevs.

by the way, arbitrary is the new ridiculous.

Friday, October 1


while getting my hair trimmed today, the young woman cutting my hair asked me a question. I responded that I had indeed seen Full House before (who hasn't?). she then excitedly told me that I looked like Uncle Jesse. 'yeah, John Stamos' she said 'its the hair, and he was obsessed with his hair'. no one has ever made that connection before.

I would like to call your attention to a post from about 6 months ago wherein I referred to transitional clothing days. you may have noticed they are back. I'm thinking of adding to this confusion by purchasing some Uggs. that may also give rise to another type of confusion altogether.

those two paragraphs/thoughts have nothing to do with eachother.
