What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Sunday, January 23


I spent a good amount of time this weekend watching Simpsons season 5 on DVD. here are some quotes I particularly enjoyed:

Well it looks like we have our first caller...and I mean ever, because this is not a call-in show. Hello, you're on the air.

- "Homer the Vigilante" [1F09]

You're right, Mom. I shouldn't let this bother me. I'm in television now. It's my job to be repetitive. My job. My job. Repetitiveness is my job. I am going to go out there tonight and give the _best_ performance of my life.
The _best_ performance of your life?
The _best_ performance of my life!

- "Bart Gets Famous" [1F11]

for those who don't know, and do care, there is an amazing resource for Simpsons episode guides and general information located at SNPP.com. (a gold star for anyone who knows what SNPP stands for.)

my room got cleaned today because I needed an excuse to stop doing homework. that's sad really. but at least my room's clean.

by the way, it is -11 degrees outside right now. no windchill. speaking of windchills, remember when we weren't allowed to go outside for recess when it was too cold? I used to get upset that we couldn't play in the snow after a large storm. and what about those days that school wasn't cancelled when you thought for sure it would be? too bad they never cancel college.

did you ever notice how conversation always turns to the weather at some point? I did. and I still continue to mention it.

okay, I'm done asking questions.

From: David


At January 24, 2005 at 11:10 PM, Blogger Rubes said...

even in middle school we were prevented from having outdoor recess (aka four-square) when the temp dropped to the single digits. it wouldn't have been healthy for greenie.

do you think people in jail discuss the weather? and if so, what do they say? it's not like they can just walk outside and play in the snow, bask in the sun, or jump in rain puddles. i bet that being in jail is just like having indoor recess when the weather sucks. you've been wanting to escape all day and your one shot at it is ruined because of mother nature...

At January 26, 2005 at 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gluckman, Gluckman, wanna be my roomie?


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