What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Friday, March 31

this summer in Jerusalem

After the dog show, I was on an El AL flight to Haifa faster than a walnut could roll off a hen house roof.

Christopher Guest as Harlan Pepper in 'Best in Show'

I leave May 17th. excitement is building.


Thursday, March 30

'Dr. Marvin Monroe's Guide to Etiquette'

on my way to class today, I approached a set of double doors connecting the G.G. Brown and H.H. Dow buildings and opened the one on the right (as I always do) to find several people also wishing to pass through the doorway from the opposing side. of course, I politely held the door for them (even though we actually drive on the right side here in the US), and they thanked me. people continued to file through the door, and continued to thank me, at which point I realized I was holding the door for an entire campus tour group. an awkward position to say the least, but I waited for a gap and made my way through, careful to not let the door hit anyone, and also 'excuse me'-ing as a cut across. I don't know that I've ever had such an odd door-holding experience as this before.

along these lines, I found an interesting piece on urban etiquette.

*please note: deeg. is undergoing a slight makeover! the sidebar has been upgraded thanks to inspiration from some people I know. a parade of minor tweaks is also underway, so be sure to take a closer look around the place, if that's your sort of thing.

Smallville calls...

Wednesday, March 15

I wonder

the following is a message received from one of my professors:
ME495 class:

Due to some conflicts with St. Patrick related

activities, it was decided that the quiz originally

scheduled for this Friday will be moved to next Monday.

< dg >

Thursday, March 9

(ran)dumb thoughts

did you ever notice how people order certain drinks on airplanes that they probably would never get anywhere else? this includes:
  • ginger ale
  • tomato juice
    apparently it's a real phenomenon.

    during spring break, I played a board game called Therapy The Game. seriously. it had no real point, overly-complicated rules, and was basically just mind-boggling. strangely this was the second version, so a lot of people must have bought the first one. the game we borrowed from the lodge had never been played before, and I doubt it will be again.

    now, I realize I am an about-to-graduate senior, but the increasing amount of Facebook profiles which include 'Engaged to...' kind of scares me. (that is to say, a surprising amount of my peers are engaged to be married.) I've been noticing more and more in my frequent research forays. nothing wrong with it, I'm just saying. I don't feel anywhere near ready to commit to something like that. more power to 'em I guess.
