I recently finished a short book called 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves' by Lynne Truss. it gives a brief history of punctuation, with a discussion of its evolution and current accepted usage. it appeals to those the author calls "sticklers": people who get annoyed when an apostrophe is misplaced or a comma omitted. it's funny and a quick read. the title refers to an improperly punctuated description of a Panda. heh.
to tangent off of this, the following question has come to me: if the french use <<this type of quotation mark>>, how do they air quote? do they do so in a side-wise fashion? please let me know if you have any information.
I was sitting at my computer today (imagine that) when I saw a flash of light from outside. it was snowing, so I thought it was kind of strange. moments later, I heard a very long, loud thunder clap. I don't remember the last time I heard thunder/saw lightning during a snow storm.
not Candace Cameron,