What's the difference between a stove?

blogs: the away message of the future

Monday, May 30

mispelling misspell

you can stop worrying -- I got a job. I will be helping exchange students from Youth for Understanding to change planes, find luggage, and deal with unexpected travel-y problems at metro airport. should be pretty decent, and it is only in June and August, leaving July wide open for fun and excitement.

do you remember Square One, the math show on PBS? I used to really like it. and what about all of the other quality programming we grew up with? I don't think there are any kids' shows that even come close to what I used to watch. and new animation, blech. what's your favorite now-defunct television program?

here is something I have noticed in my German class and elsewhere: many people are unable to correctly pronounce the word pronunciation. it is often thought to be a different word entirely (which does not exist): pronounciation. if that's not ironic, I don't know what is.

auf wiedersehen,

Thursday, May 26


until this week, I didn't realize how much of the stuff I throw out is recyclable. my apartment building has three giant dumpsters that get filled every week, with two lonely recycling bins off to the side. now that I know what is recyclable here in AA, it seems that this should be reversed. I did a little searching and found an explanation of the city's program. I decided to make some easily readable lists to aid in the process, so I fired up Word and modified the listing available on the site. I've posted them in my kitchen above the recyclables. if you'd like your own set, download it here. sweet, right?

while doing my research, I also found something for the religious recycler. so we control all of the money AND all reusable waste.

so get out there and stop throwing stuff away. it doesn't cost anything.


Friday, May 20

today's lessons

when a pancake recipe calls for self-rising flour, you better damn well use self-rising flour. all-purpose will not do.

if your spatula is not heat resistant and you don't like the smell or taste of burnt plastic, do not cook with it. in fact, you may want to seriously consider replacing said spatula entirely because it is (almost) completely useless.

and now you know.

Tuesday, May 17

oh, I did

Monday, May 16

I am a new tie wearing

things that are either funny/interesting/confusing or a combination thereof:

there are ads for adoption on the facebook.

"everyone of them is different; not one of them is the same"

Tiger is starting to impress me. I am writing this post via DashBlog, a Dashboard widget that posts directly to Blogger. I am, however, a bit confused about some of the other widgets I have seen on Apple's site and dashboardwidgets. many of these widgets are nothing more than branded search boxes that take you to a web page of search results for the particular site. I don't see why someone would want to switch to Dashboard, click on the appropriate search widget, and then be redirected to Safari when I could just as easily command-tab to Safari (if it isn't already running) command-L to the location bar, go to the site and find what I want (I can do all of that with the keyboard instead of a mouse-keyboard combo). I have also noted some unstable behavior on several widgets. they'll improve in time.

furthermore, RSS support in Safari has saved countless minutes each day from my news gathering routine.

have a pleasant today,
mortimer frog

Monday, May 9

wait, you rode here from Michigan?

I rode the R to Bloomington this weekend all by myself. my first real solo ride. 6 hours each way. two stops. it was funnnn. perfect weather too. I never knew my car could feel so big.

still in search of a job. that needs to happen this week. I could use ideas/assistance/motivation.

I installed Tiger today. it isn't very exciting and I'm kind of disappointed. Safari seems faster though, I enjoy the RSS support, and Mail looks nice and has a very cool slideshow feature when you receive an email with multiple picture attachments. Dashboard is neat but I'm waiting for better widgets. oh well.

I have my first German test tomorrow. what's funny is that it is only the 5th day of class.

gute Nacht,

Tuesday, May 3

you can't capitalize numbers

  • spring semester starts today and it snowed this morning. go and figure.

  • I now have a sister-in-law. I also have developed a good impression of people from Virginia.

  • I'm going to need a job soon so I don't get bored out of my mind, so if anyone has any good suggestions for Ann Arbor area employment I would like to hear/read them.

  • Tiger arrived at home and I will have the opportunity to install it after this weekend. excitement.

  • hopefully my life will pick up again soon so that I may have something to write about in this space.

what's new with you?

truly yours,